On 08.07.2004, at 05:48, Sander Temme wrote:

On Jul 7, 2004, at 6:01 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

suddenly i'll be at linuxworld, but i don't know if i can help out or

Thanks for your offer, but we declined IDG's offer of the booth space... I didn't get enough volunteers at the time to give me the confidence that we could keep a booth staffed throughout the event.

Please see <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and preceding messages on this list.

As I said in that message, let's see if we can get something going for the Boston show in January. We have since learned that the board has established a PR committee: maybe they can catalyse some participation.

FWIW, I'll be speaking at the one in Frankfurt/Germany (Oct 04) and would be available for some booth action (provided that we can arrange something with IDG and some others join in...).


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