At 09:21 PM 12/19/2004, Stephen McConnell wrote:

>Maybe this about making Apache a better place by identifying hypocrisy
>here out in the open instead of behind the protection of private lists.
>Maybe it's about dealing with the breach of procedure by the Chair of a
>PMC and ensuring that this does not get rewarded nor repeated.

The phrase "can't we all get along" comes to mind.

Clearly that wasn't the case here, which is why, clearly, this
code had moved on to other venues.

Apache is about community (hence, the title of this mailing list)
and to my understanding, such didn't exist, or was so fractured
as to imply there was no salvaging it.

Thanks to those who helped lay the issues to rest, happy ranting
to those who wish to beat the dead horse, and long live good code
in whatever forum is appropriate to it.


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