On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Jean T. Anderson wrote:

A user just posted an example -- with code -- to the Derby wiki:


My first reaction is delight that a user has energy to do this.

My second reaction is to wonder about licensing issues. Jira upload has
the handy feature that it prompts the uploader to check a box that
grants license to the ASF. The wiki has nothing like that.

However, neither does Bugzilla. If the Jira upload box is legally necessary, we have much bigger problems than the wiki example.

Also, a user example on the wiki isn't something the ASF owns is it?

I imagine it's more like an email on the mailing list with a piece of code in it. The ASF is the owner of the compound work (or something like that) but the original author remains the owner.

Might be a legal-discuss question. Maybe all these types of things (and examples in books etc) just get rolled under the carpet as 'too small to be important'.


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