Seems that no response ... But don't care.

MY Practical Proposal:
**** Establishing CA Server in ****
(For S/MINE, PGP etc.)

The Apache Software Foundation has numerous "fax"es or "paper"s from all
of the committers at least, and they would be reliable. It's good idea for me 
(and YOU)
to establish CA Center (Server) in apache.

Please use my (sponsorship) money for it.

Any thoughts?


Tetsuya Kitahata <> <>


> Dear ASF PRC Members
> #CC: commun...@a.o.
> Message From Tetsuya Kitahata wearing #Sponsor HAT#
> I am celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ASF and the success of
> ApacheCon EU. I am sorry to respond late because of the additional
> (personal) sponsorship things etc.
> About the doap things, any kinds of progress at ApacheCon EU 2009??
> Seemed that I could not see any progress... right?
> As for doaps, attached file (doaps.tar.gz) contains some "missing"
> doaps, so please use appropriately.
> (Includes recent news item projects -- Zookeeper, Mailet Base,
> CXF, PyLucene, Buildr, CouchDB etc. -- enhance, edit plz.
> I am afraid I could not describe correctly)
> I think that "evangelizing" this project (DOAP project) is ought to
> be more efficient. People (developers) can not find right project
> for their products etc. in now. Please take it seriously.
> ----
> By the way, I have a translation website of
> at (Japanese)
> If possible, linking from would be very
> impressive for japanese apache lovers. Plz add.
> # Maintained completely by doaps.
> Obrigado,
> -- Tetsuya Kitahata <>
> ----
> > Tetsuya - thanks for the note.  I'm sending this just to prc@ since both 
> > Jim and I are on that list.
> > 
> > Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> > > As usual, corporate sponsor won't speak to PRC
> > > directly as a sponsor. Of course, I know that Apache
> > > should not be a slave of sponsors. What I would like to
> > > talk is not such a kind of thing. Please understand.
> > 
> > Yes, I agree that the ASF should not be influenced or controlled by 
> > sponsors ("slave").  However we (the ASF, and in particular the PRC) do 
> > want to be responsive and open to hearing what our sponsors are 
> > interested in and thinking about.  So please do email prc@ with your 
> > thoughts when wearing your #sponsor hat#!
> > 
> > > 1. Congratulations on PRC & Fundraising Committee. Both working
> > > together would be beneficial to the foundation I believe.
> > > Plus, personally I think that this Committee also have "Communication"
> > > Committee. -- For example, jobs@, community@, woman@ management etc.
> > > and evolved to "Public Relations, Communications and Fundraising 
> > > Committee".
> > > (If "Communications" means internal and exrternal, "Public Relations" 
> > > would
> > >  be needless, maybe)
> > 
> > Yes, the PRC (Public Relations Committee) is basically in charge of most 
> > of those areas on the broad scale.  Overall communication with the 
> > public should be what the PRC manages, however we may not have always 
> > formally taken charge of the various email lists and other topics.  The 
> > areas that the PRC clearly owns, and how the PRC sets policy and goes 
> > about using then is still being defined over time.
> > 
> > Several other PRC members and ASF members have been thinking about how 
> > we do "outreach" - how we, as an open source and software organization, 
> > can more actively attract developers and educate the public and 
> > businesses about open source best practices.  Here on prc@ is probably 
> > the best place to work on those kinds of subjects.
> > 
> > 
> > > 2. Please encourage the doap files to be created more. Plus, I
> > > suppose doap files should not be maintained by each PMC,
> > > rather in one repository they should be put, I hope. Simple reason.
> > > When I find error in doap, I must put the opinions on each dev list,
> > > it is very painful for each other. 
> > > (Sometimes it happened in the past: see attached file for example)
> > > #DOAP# repository would be OK. (all committers can edit) -- and
> > > current ones (in svn repositories in each projects) to be batch renewed
> > > daily or hourly.
> > 
> > One of the things I hoped to do over ApacheCon next week is to create 
> > and update more project's DOAP files to ensure we have complete 
> > coverage.  In many cases if we send a patch to the dev@ list for a 
> > project, I expect they'll check it in for us.
> > 
> > I disagree that the DOAP files should be in a central repository.  The 
> > best place to create and store these is in the individual project 
> > repositories, since the individual projects really need to be 
> > responsible to keep them updated.  Part of the problem with poor 
> > maintenance of the DOAP files is that projects don't realize how much of 
> > a strategic value to the ASF overall they can be.
> > 
> > > 3. I had thought that the announcements at how
> > > to be more polished.
> > 
> > I agree that we'd like to have more polished announcements.  The PRC 
> > should work to craft better guidelines for announcements, with very 
> > clear and easy to follow instructions (to make it as simple as possible 
> > for PMCs to follow them).
> > 
> > At that point, it's really up to the individual projects to do a better 
> > job of writing their announcements.  We can't do the work for our PMCs - 
> > we need to let them write them themselves.  We can just make the 
> > guidelines as easy to read and find as possible.
> > 
> > >    i)   Release Candidates, Milestone Releases, Beta, Alpha, Incubated 
> > > ones
> > >         not to be published there. I think announcement from ASF means
> > >         that ASF should take all the responsibilities of legal matter, I 
> > > am afraid.
> > >         Even though admitting such, please encourage to use "now 
> > > available"
> > >         not "released" in subject line in order to distinguish clearly.
> > >   ii)   Encourage all announcements to use not only <PROJECT NAME> but 
> > > also
> > >        "The Apache <PROJECT NAME>". See the attached -- Maven Release
> > >        for example. "The Apache Maven Project has released ..." or "The 
> > > Apache
> > >       Maven Project is please to announce the release of ..." are more 
> > > comprehensive.
> > 
> > >   iii) In Public Relation thing: Apache News Online has been the news 
> > > resource of
> > >       Google News. However, when the announcement <> be
> > >       made earlier than Apache News Online, Google News Editor Never put 
> > > the
> > >       Articles of Apache News Online <>
> > >        -- "Reason: This article is old.". I am still wondering how it 
> > > should be.
> > >       (See attached: Google Alert)
> > 
> > For point iii) I'm not sure what you mean.  The mail archives of 
> > should be the definitive source for ASF 
> > announcements, and hopefully it's one of the google hits for any ASF 
> > project-related announcement.
> > 
> > Are you seeing a specific problem with the archives 
> > at or elsewhere?
> > 
> > - Shane
Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc. - President - 
Apache News Online    
1555 Doolittle.Dr Suite170 #200 San Leandro, CA, 94577
FAX: +1-4083512810 (USA) / +81-345209534 (Japan)/+44-2033182683(UK)
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