Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> The Apache Software Fundation's rule - there is no relationships
> between superior and inferior. I mean, hierarchy. (bureaucratism is
> one of them)

Nope.  There are those with merit, and those with increasing or
decreasing fractions of merit, and those with no merit.

Then there are those who literally have negative merit, the amount
they have contributed to the foundation is literally insufficient
to cover the aggrivation which they have caused to the foundation.
This is a rare case, but your litany's to this list come dangerously
close to that line.

The chair is a founder of the Apache Group, one of 8 who thought that
it would be cool to come together and collect patches to improve open
source software, one who helped form the foundation, one who served
as it's secretary for almost a decade and one who has chaired both the
board and the prc for several years.  That isn't authority, that is
an investment of energy and effort, and demonstrates merit.

I'm sorry you still can't make this connection, I believe I'm done
trying to point you in the right direction.  The most appropriate
resolution is likely to consider you persona non grata to the entire
community, and if you would like a vote on this matter, this list
would be happy to oblige.  Otherwise please cease and desist.

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