Raphaël Jacquot wrote:
I'm still wondering *why* we need to use an AGPS device that's so dumb
that it needs the *host* to do most of the calculations, when we could
have used a SIRF-STAR III sensor, that does everything inside, just like
the GSM/GPRS module.

this sounds like this thing is the winmodem / winprinter of the GPS world


http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Hardware:AGPS#Q:_What_is_DGPS.2C_can_DGPS_and_A-GPS_work_together.3F Is an interesting possibility that might not be possible with that method.

A 'proper' GPS is more expensive, and the calculations are trivial. The processor has to be on anyway in order to recieve serial data from the GPS, so there isn't really a downside. (once it's reverse engineered).

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