I think we need to wait.  When the neo1973 has matured a bit and has worked
out the mojor kinks it will generate attention on it's own, which we can
then strengthen.  But right now I don't think it would really have an
impact.  We don't know the final release date, the software on it which is
the biggest part of the phone is not worked out yet.  And when the phone is
released that's when the magic happens.  The community will come alive.
Programs will be developed for the phone that we haven't even thought of
yet.  And then interest will be generated.  Plus we will be excited about
our phone, we will be excited about moding them and doing what we want with
the phone, in essance freeing our phone.  Then I believe it will explode.  I
think it's a good idea to spread the word about the neo1973 but I don't
think getting or starting hype now is important or needed.  I just don't see
the usefulness of it now.  But that's just my opinion.


On 6/4/07, Danijel Orsolic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll chip in here for once. :)

I agree with what some have said that we should better wait before the
phone is actually a finished product we can point to (including a web site
or store where people can easily buy it).

However in the meantime I think we should think about the marketing
subject, build up the marketing machine, so to speak, which we will use once
the phone is out. It's basically just preparation.

I've recently started a web site (http://www.mobiliberty.com) which was to
focus on phones like Neo1973, open in nature, powered by Free Software and
Free Standards, but guess what, it hasn't been such a big success and there
just aren't enough stories around for the site to really have much meat to
chew on. Right now I'm basically working away on my other projects and
leaving that site for some sort of a revision until a day comes when the
world of open mobiles will really be interesting enough for one news/blog
site to prosper out of it (and a day when I will own one to talk about first
hand too ;) ). In other words, I'm waiting for Neo1973 to come out and make
a mark.

And I would be willing to help that happen. Someone mentioned an OpenMoko
site in Hungary. I think that's a very good idea. We should have as many
countries covered as possible. I'm from Croatia (neighbouring Hungary) and
perhaps opening a Croatian OpenMoko site would be a good idea too, though
that would depend on the market here I suppose, which might not be as big on
FOSS related stuff as Hungary.

Anyway, the overall point is, we can start thinking about it, making plans
and preparations, laying out the structure we need to make Neo1973 a
worldwide hit once it comes out.

I also hope and expect FIC will invest considerable effort in this regard.
They are making and selling these phones after all. It's their brand on it!



On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 11:27:38 -0500
"el jefe delito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Regardless of where the hardware and software are right now, I would
> that they both will be further along come release date.  But, outside of
> this community and the few people that remember us telling them about
> FIC Neo1973 and the OpenMoko platform, who knows about this phone or
> platform?
> Slashdot and NYTimes and many other sites have articles about the Apple
> iPhone, but very rarely is the Neo1973 mentioned.  We, the OpenMoko
> community, are interested in these articles too (I would imagine), and
> no one ever posts a comment about the Neo1973 (except me, it seems).  If
> don't get the mainstream press to write about the Neo1973, we (or FIC)
> going to have a difficult time selling devices and getting out
there.  If
> they (press) won't write about the Neo1973, the least we can do is
> the Neo1973 in the reader comments, with a link to the wiki.
> Here is one such article from just this weekend.  The iPhone will be
> a lot of coverage, and as different as the two philosophies may be, the
> average person on the street will see the two phones as very
similar.  If we
> have a great feature comparison, why not let people know??
> I hope that we can start to create some buzz about this product!  Being
> open, being able to work with multiple service providers, being
> being cheaper, being higher-resolution... all of these are benefits that
> must PROMOTE.  The quicker we can post on an article, the higher on the
> Comments list we will be and the more reads that comment will get.  No
> reads Comment #154267....
> Thoughts?
> --
> start using Free software
>   http://www.linux.org
>   http://www.fsf.org
> It's a matter of Liberty not Price:
>   "Free Software exists to free you from the artificial constraints set
> Apple and Microsoft.  Free software is Unrestricted software.  Get

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