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Nishit, I realy hope that Yorick don't speak for a lot of US.

There are way and way to make a comment of something is not right: a
person can:

A. make in a proposive way, opening tickets, and specificating the
points that can be done in a different way, or, a person can just say:
B. It doesn't run, It doesn't run, It doesn't run -> It is a f**king
phone -> It is a f**king firm.

You have the "fredom of arbitry", we can do all that we want with our
phone: this is not necessarily a nice thing: the software is far to be
mature, and a lot of things must to be done. It the price of the freedom.

But if you choose the freedom, please don't use B. There are a lot of
better thing to do.

I hope I explained my idea. Thank you for your email!

Nishit Dave wrote:
> Marek,
> Yorick is right, and is speaking for a lot of us.  Please appreciate
> that many of us have to do a lot of work to get the (cough)damned(cough)
> FR to connect to the internet to install packages in the first place. 
> Actually, there is a very big design issue here, because most of the
> tasks are accomplished only through USB networking, and for the
> unfortunate ones amongst us who want to use it as a daily phone, it is
> not always possible to have a laptop and cable handy (e.g. while driving
> about).
> What we (as users) would really appreciate, say like icing on cake,
> would be to see real-world-usability be given a spin by the developers
> before a stable release.  That would avoid a lot of pain, and repeated
> questions on the lists.  We would be more than willing to submit all the
> bug reports you ever wanted after that.  And packages, from those that
> don't lack thumbs in programming.  You guys are doing a fantastic job,
> and by all means, keep it up.  But also spare a thought about the
> clueless ones like us.
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