I agree.
But may be we could do a wizard on wich every body could contribute to 
add plugins that configure ASU according to user preferences ?
It could configure keyboard, gsm multiplexer, sound, gesture ... install 
browser, terminal, ...
it could be like "easybuntu" ...

For each problem there is an aswer on the wiki.
But having to repeat after each upgrade all the customisation process is 
Have sombeody already done something like this ?

William Kenworthy a écrit :
> The problem is OM are not responding in a way that reassures us that
> 2008.8 is being shaped to our concerns.  I raised a bug that the default
> 2008.8 keyboard was almost impossible to use in anything but an english
> sms mode.  The bug was closed  with what to an English speaker means
> "its working, so go away".  This certainly teed me right off.  In
> postings since, its been explained that this was actually because of the
> way the bug reporting system works with engineering, and it doesnt work
> like we are used to in most opensource projects where you can raise a
> bug about ANY concern and it will be attended to/allocated as required,
> not closed because it doesnt neatly fit some engineers idea of a bug.
> So basicly yes, Yorick is speaking for very many of us.  There is a
> severe usability issue with 2008.8 and its being ignored.  Saying its up
> to the community to fix is laughable - we have fixed it, so why is OM
> not listening?
> Yes, I am still peeved by the way the bug was closed - why bother
> raising bugs when it results in actions like this?  Its all very well
> saying its open, give them a chance etc, but eventually, something will
> have to change here.
> BillK
> On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 14:06 +0200, Michele Renda wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Nishit, I realy hope that Yorick don't speak for a lot of US.
>> There are way and way to make a comment of something is not right: a
>> person can:
>> A. make in a proposive way, opening tickets, and specificating the
>> points that can be done in a different way, or, a person can just say:
>> B. It doesn't run, It doesn't run, It doesn't run -> It is a f**king
>> phone -> It is a f**king firm.
>> You have the "fredom of arbitry", we can do all that we want with our
>> phone: this is not necessarily a nice thing: the software is far to be
>> mature, and a lot of things must to be done. It the price of the freedom.
>> But if you choose the freedom, please don't use B. There are a lot of
>> better thing to do.
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