An important note to the people who are experiencing all-round instability:
I haven't had many problems with phone calls or SMS. I believe the  
critical point was to disable QPE's file search upon bootup [1].
Before I did that, I had all kinds of mysterious problems (including  
PIN), derived from the fact that the Neo's CPU was starving for  
cycles. To make matters worse, it would suspend before the indexing  
job was done, and so the Neo would not have enough CPU power to  
correctly process incoming calls and messages when it resumed. After  
disabling that QPE stuff, it basically works.

Citando John Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What do you want us to work on?

1 - Solve the call quality problems (echo, buzzing, volume) for 99% of  
the users.
2 - Solve the illume resume problems. They have been talked about over  
and over, but unfortunately the information is scattered and  
imprecise. the tickets themselves have misleading info (I should know,  
I helped confuse you...), so maybe this deserves a new single ticket,  
where everyone contributes with more exact information;
3 - Get the wifi driver corrected, so that it does not create link  
association and stability and problems;
4 - Finish/validate implementation of the networking stack (all the  
way up to resolv.conf and friends);
5 - Merge the GPRS muxer into the stable distro, so that it works out  
of the box;
6 - Integrate the main applications with the power management: if QPE  
wants to index the whole friggin' filesystem right after boot, then  
give it time to do so before going into suspend; if you don't, it just  
bogs down the CPU for many suspend/resume cycles, creating all sorts  
of problems, and we don't know what is going on...
7 - Accelerate Qt applications - they respond so slowly that a normal  
user will shoot itself in the foot everyday (i.e. pushing the "Answer"  
button twice because it didn't appear to respond, effectively killing  
the call; or taking the phone to the ear after pushing "Answer" and  
having it rind loudly one last time in the ear);
8 - Work with the people of FDOM to integrate the best workarounds and  
hacks - they did the work already, just use it.
9 - Get all the bluetooth support organized out-of-the-box. I haven't  
played with it in a long time, but it looked like black voodoo to get  
a simple pairing and OBEX exchange going... forget about PAN!...
10 - Put a "speaker" button on the dialer app. This is my only GUI  
desire for now...


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