As a user that switches between Debian, Qtopia, and om2008, I urge you to
focus on improving areas that could benefit all "distributions".  I don't
understand the technical dependencies, but I get the impression that Lorn
and the Debian folks rely on some form of Openmoko development. Just as an
example, suspend/resume continues to be a problem for me across all three
distros. Also, the point someone made about working on stuff that's
restricted under NDA seems valid.

Thank you for your continued work It is appreciated,


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:47 AM, John Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Like Wolfgang said in
> We assembled a team to focus on improving the user experience.  Here
> is our todo list at the moment:
> * Reduce boot time.
> * Optimize the touch screen driver on freerunner for finger usage.
> * A generic python loader to enhance the start up time of python
>  scripts.
> * Work with system team to improve suspend/resume user experience.
> I would like to ask the community:
> What do you want us to work on?
> The idea is
> * We improve the current stack, not creating new features.
> * Prefer stuffs which could be brought over to gta03 instead of
>  gta02/om2008 specific.
> * won't work on om2007 stack.
> So, tell us what you want, then the coding monkeys will start working!
> :)
> Regards,
> John
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