El jue, 16-10-2008 a las 15:47 +0800, John Lee escribió:
> Hi,
> Like Wolfgang said in
> http://n2.nabble.com/Weekly-Engineering-News-41-2008-td1336450.html
> We assembled a team to focus on improving the user experience.  Here
> is our todo list at the moment:
> * Reduce boot time.
> * Optimize the touch screen driver on freerunner for finger usage.
for me is quite good right now but any improvement are welcome
> * A generic python loader to enhance the start up time of python
>   scripts.
YES PLEASE :) this will allow script kiddies like me to help in high
level development and utilities on the phone
> * Work with system team to improve suspend/resume user experience.
> I would like to ask the community:
> What do you want us to work on?
> The idea is
> * We improve the current stack, not creating new features.
ok, there a lot of thirparty apps out there than can provide new
features, but they need a rock solid base to be totally cool
> * Prefer stuffs which could be brought over to gta03 instead of
>   gta02/om2008 specific.
Not totally agree here, some(a lot of) effort must be done in current
specific gta02 , a clear example is the "famous" glamo chipset, you are
the only ones who can improve it due NDA as some one else has pointed,
you must struggle(even more) this chipset to extract until the last drop
of it juice.  
> * won't work on om2007 stack.
Better make efforts on FSO 
> So, tell us what you want, then the coding monkeys will start working!
> :)
just work on the basics as you have pointed, and the basic is all
hardware must work without any blocking bug(alas stability) and inside
this stability do it as fast as phisicaly posible.
Fancy apps will come from the community and porting from other distros,
thats the magic on free source :)
> Regards,
> John
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