I am not a developer, but i test the images and try to use the openmoko...
My main issue with Openmoko are :

1) Battery life : only 4hrs, and when you charge it, it discharge itself
after a while. I cannot use it as a daily phone.... :/
2) Basic telephony : the phone should wake up faster than it does now....
the time the phone wakes up, rings, and you pick the call, there has been 6
rings for the other party, and may already be on the voicemail
3)Basic text message should work flawlessly.
4) A way to set up the sound and rings ... There is actually no gui for that
5) I haven;t find yet where to activate the PIN or not... I put 1 sim card
that asked for a pin, it work.. I put a another sim card, where no pin is
needed.. it was still asking for a pin... (I had to reflash to solve this
one) but there is no Menu where I could choose, Pin on/off, if pin on, set
up the pin....

I do not care at all about any other application. I want a daily phone...
where i can receive, make call, receive and send text message, and have the
phone a day with me, wihotut having to cahrge it every 2 hrs... (8-10 hrs
battery life would be better, with wifi on, gps off)

Until we reach this point, I will continue tu use my dumb phone eeyday, and
the FR will catch some dust on a shelve...


On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On 19 Oct 2008, at 13:46, Dale Maggee wrote:
> > arne anka wrote:
> >>> ==Pim device==
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> imho that's exactly the kind of task openmoko did _not_ ask for.
> >>
> > I would respectfully disagree - Openmoko asked about "Improving user
> > experience", and users are saying they want to experience PIM
> > capabilities.
> > ...
> >> and it's doable by community!
> >>
> > Agreed, it could be done by the community, but I don't see anyone
> > doing
> > it, and I'm not smart enough, nor do I have the time at the moment.
> It does not matter whether YOU could do it or not. it's a matter of
> where Openmoko's resources are best spent.
> If you can't write a PIM app, then you CERTAINLY can't write kernel
> drivers - THAT is where Openmoko's resources should be mist focussed,
> IMO. As others have stated, there is some hardware-level stuff that
> only Openmoko has NDA for. And without working hardware drivers to
> ensure that phonecalls work flawlessly (and wifi, and bluetooth), a
> PIM is irrelevant.
> >> there are a lot of posts lately completely ignoring the point of
> >> "basics"
> >> and "no eyecandy"
> > I haven't seen anybody ask for pretty-looking PIM applications, people
> > seem to be asking for *reliable* PIM applications. I'd call
> > reliability
> > and robustness "basic".
> Basic reliability and robustness resides in a program with which you
> can enter a number and make a call. Once that prototype exists it is
> much easier for the community to extend it to PIM functionality.
> Openmoko can then move on to wifi drivers, Glamo hardware acceleration
> and pairing of bluetooth headsets.
> >> pim frinst is at it's best part of a middle tier, but rather of a
> >> particular distribution --
> > This kind of comes into the "Should FSO merge be sped up?" debate,
> > as I
> > believe the framework has PIM stuff built into it.
> AIUI (and I would be delighted to be corrected if I'm wrong), the FSO
> stuff is intended to provide functions which will allow you to make
> simple DBUS calls  such as "get number $var from PIM manager" and
> "make call to number $var". Once these are complete, writing your own
> applications becomes easy. True the first of these example calls
> requests you integrate the functionality in your own app, but the
> latter makes problems with dealing with the dialler & the GSM chips &
> whatever go away. It is FAR more important to provide the community
> with these tools than it is to provide any kind of application that
> utilises them (beyond a command-line version which gets numbers from a
> text-file and operates as a test example). Once these calls are
> available there will be dozens of PIM managers posted to this list and
> being written by enthusiastic Python programmers.
> Stroller.
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