BACK on the recent Slow Food 'conference' in NYC...did anyone on the list attend?

The registration fee was around $300, If I remember correctly. This, of course, confirms the elitist accusations. I'm hoping, however, that someone will tell me that there were activist rates, also.

Expanding on Adam's and other remarks, Slow Food Movement is one of the several attempts to preserve the 'local taste' that is being sacrificed worldwide to the worldview that spawned NAFTA, the view the believes everything will be better if everything is the same. The USDA Organic Certification is another step in this worldview, reducing organics to a list of approved inputs while ignoring the strong ecological and biological emphasis of grassroots organic farming and gardening.

Robert Graves said that when the taste for local cuisine is lost, then everything is lost and people readily follow men on horseback. A local taste can be lost forwever in one generation, particularly since the senses of taste and smell are so difficult to chronicle. I feel that the obligation to preserve these local flavors have fallen on we who are sensitive to realize their preciousness.

A person can internalize these values and occasionally cook meals of AUTHENTIC INGREDIENTS, from FRESH, LOCAL, ECOLOGICALLY GROWN sources and still feel part of this movement.

Great for potlucks, folks. What are you doing this Sunday? ;-)

-Allan Balliett
BD Now! The Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion Group
Shepherdstown, WV

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