Hi Folks,

I work for a nonprofit organization in Richmond, BC(Canada). Just to give you 
some background: We are a nonprofit organization that finds people/farms that 
have surplus fruit and vegetables and matches them with volunteers who have the 
time and energy to harvest it. All of the produce goes to the food bank and 
community kitchens. This year we have harvested over 17,000 lbs. We have a 
vision for next year of attaining our own land to grow food for the food bank. 
Ideally we would like to see us growing the 100,000 lbs of produce that the 
food bank distributes each year so the food bank no longer needs to buy it(part 
of this would consist of a small orchard, we would like 1-5 acres). So I have a 
few questions, does anyone know of any similar projects that we may want to 
gain some advice from? Also we are thinking that we will have a small farmers 
market to help raise funds and use the farm/market as a training and 
educational site for youth/low income individuals. The city has also approached 
us to act as stewards for their community gardens. We would like to see this 
happen, if people in the gardens grow a small portion for the food bank, is 
this unrealistic? We are also trying to find the best way of attaining the 
land. Leasing? Donated(wishful)? Any suggestions or contacts would be welcome 

Erin Mullett
Project Coordinator
Richmond Fruit Tree Sharing Project

"teach a person to garden and they will lead a delicious life"

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