Hi, all,

Recent posts about theft prompt me to write about our recent decision to lock 
our garden gates. The decision did not come easily, and has caused hard 
feelings on both sides. The lock supporters are very sure of the need, and lock 
opponents equally sure that it sends an exclusionary message and won't work.

But now that it is a "done" deal, I wonder belatedly what other people do.

Do you have locks on your garden gates? If so, how do you manage them? What 
kinds of locks? How do you allow "nice" people to visit? 

(If you don't have locks, why not?)

Second, how effective are locks? I've read (was it in the research done by Mark 
Frances some years back?) that most CG theft comes from "inside" the garden, 
not outside - is that accurate, do you think? 

If you have locks, how do you handle:

1. Making sure that the whole community knows that they are welcome (if they 
don't rip things off), and discouraging the perception that the community 
garden is one group "taking advantage" of public resources for personal gain? 

2. Addressing problems of rotting produce left by gardeners who don't harvest 
(I liked Doreen's answer to this).

3. Dealing with "inside" unauthorized harvesting?

4. Addressing problems of security- are gardens safer with locked gates?

5. Dealing with hungry and impoverished people who see the food and are tempted 
by it?

Has anyone gotten rid of locks? Why?

Overall, do you think they work? Are they worth the hassle?

About us:

Our community garden is a half acre site with 55 beds, most 20x20. It is in an 
open field on public parkland, beside a road with pulses of heavy traffic 
during the morning and afternoon commute and modest traffic otherwise. There is 
very little pedestrian traffic. Gardener drive to the garden. The closest house 
is across the road (the old farmhouse), otherwise the site is pretty isolated 
though surrounded by suburban development near UNC Charlotte. The garden is 
surrounded by a 6 ft "nice" chain link fence (black paint). We have not had 
locks for 3 years. The locks chosen are "spin" combination locks, similar to 
the ones used in Portland, OR (I believe).

Several gardeners have become very concerned about being "ripped off", and some 
have reported seeing sinister looking pickup trucks and cars driving up to the 
garden and then speeding off. Also, some gardeners say that strangers have 
stopped and come into the garden with plastic bags (like the example in the 
recent theft discussion), asking "How does this work? Do you sell? Is this a 
community garden? Does that mean I can take what I need?" 

Also, the disagreement over whether or not to lock has prompted some very 
troubling disharmony within the gardener community. Any thoughts on how to 
handle it when one "faction" gets its way and really doesn't feel like 
listening to the "other side", such as an individual or "counterfaction", who 
persistently keeps raising questions, alternatives and objections even after a 
decision has been made?

(this is for the community garden where I'm a member, at Reedy Creek, not the 
Urban Ministry garden)


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