This has been bugging me for a while, so I am going to get it off of my chest. 
People who talk about 'urban agriculture' maybe don't  know what agriculture 
means.  Some crops are agricultural crops, some are horticultural crops. What 
is the difference? There  is a legal as well as common usage difference.  
Agricultural crops are very low in cost per unit, while horticultural crops are 
high in unit cost. A cup of wheat or barley (agricultural crops) is a lot 
cheaper both to produce and to buy than  a cup of horticultural crops (peas or 
potatoes). People who casually use the terminology 'urban agriculture' are not 
agriculturalists and they are sure not horticulturalists.  Where there is a 
mistake in the use of language, there is usually a  mistake in thought.  Same 
for people who use the term  'urban farm'. 
 The next time I see monoculture (as in a  field of canola)  in the city I will 
say, 'look, there is urban agriculture'. Until then,  I will call a piece of 
land, in the city with many different kinds of plants growing in it, a garden.  
The whole concept of agriculture as we now know it is at the root of many of 
the food problems we now face.  
For more on this topic, read 'Fertilizer in America' by Richard Wines.  
Agriculture is in deep trouble world wide.  We don't want to follow down that 
path.  It just confuses people to speak of  community gardens as 'urban 
agriculture'.  Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.  Community Gardens 
is what they are.  Both in my book, and in the dictionary too.  If you want to 
look like you don't really understand what you are talking about, carry on 
talking about Urban Agriculture.  Also while you are at it, check out the 
meaning of urban, suburban, periurban and exurban.  Then come up with a term 
other than Urban Agriculture.   My 2 kilowats worth. For what it is worth.   
Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.  Mark Twain
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