Hi, this is the updated current points to discuss.
Feel free to comment or add any ;)

HTTP Request Parser

Reminder: the request parser creates the abstract input object.

0) Should it allow plugins?
> no
1) Should filter anything?
> no
2) Should all the GET/POST variables be mixed together?
> yes
3) Should all uploaded files info be in something like $input->files?
> yes

Input Filters

0) Should the component supply an input filter interface?
> yes
1) Should the component supply input filters?
> yes, one in a first stage, then many with tieins
2) Should the component user handle filtering in his controllers?
> yes

Output Filters

0) Should the component supply an output filter interface?
> yes
1) Should the component supply input filters?
> yes, one with HTML/Tidy in a first stage, then with tieins
2) Should this filters be pluggable in the view-manager?
> no
3) Should this filters be freely usable by the component user once he has his
output from the view manager?
> yes


0) Which routed should be developped first? Url, Tree, Regexps, Assertions
(railish) ?


0) Should the view-manager implement the same routing system as the router?
1) Should another object be used to factorized processes that are common the
the input and the view-router?


0) Which should be the first view handler?
> PhpViewHandler, PHP being a fine templating languages


0) How should view methods be implemented?
> In factories/singletons, it should be easy to port to Template extensions
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