On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 16:50 +0200, James Pic wrote:
> Hi, this is the updated current points to discuss.
> Feel free to comment or add any ;)
> HTTP Request Parser
> ===================
> Reminder: the request parser creates the abstract input object.
> 0) Should it allow plugins?
> > no
> 1) Should filter anything?
> > no
> 2) Should all the GET/POST variables be mixed together?
> > yes

GET variables should be used for view selection, or maybe selection of
the data to display, while POST data should be used for modifications. I
wouldn't like that those semantic differences between thse two data
arrays are lost in the request parser.

But since I am able to extend those classes / replace them this isnÄt a
big issue.

> 3) Should all uploaded files info be in something like $input->files?
> > yes
> Input Filters
> =============
> 0) Should the component supply an input filter interface?
> > yes
> 1) Should the component supply input filters?
> > yes, one in a first stage, then many with tieins
> 2) Should the component user handle filtering in his controllers?
> > yes
> Output Filters
> ==============
> 0) Should the component supply an output filter interface?
> > yes
> 1) Should the component supply input filters?
> > yes, one with HTML/Tidy in a first stage, then with tieins

I don't see a real necessity for this, as told before, a charset charset
encoding conversion filter could be more useful as a simple example...

> 2) Should this filters be pluggable in the view-manager?
> > no

IF we support output filters, they must be pluggable. Hardcoded filters
are imho a no-go.

> 3) Should this filters be freely usable by the component user once he has his
> output from the view manager?
> > yes
> Routing
> =======
> 0) Which routed should be developped first? Url, Tree, Regexps, Assertions
> (railish) ?

A regexp based router is more or less trivial...

> View-manager
> ============
> 0) Should the view-manager implement the same routing system as the router?

How could that work? I don't think the view routing will be URL based in
most cases, but "just" based on the provided view structures. Not sure
if some basic general implementation is useful here...

> 1) Should another object be used to factorized processes that are common the
> the input and the view-router?

I don't understand, what you mean here...

> View-handlers
> =============
> 0) Which should be the first view handler?
> > PhpViewHandler, PHP being a fine templating languages

- TemplateTieIn
- Plain XML / JSON serialization

> PhpViewHandler
> --------------
> 0) How should view methods be implemented?
> > In factories/singletons, it should be easy to port to Template extensions

I don't see a real reasoning for factories or singletons here. Just
something like the following should be sufficant:

> $foo->viewRouter = new myViewRouter();

Where the view router then instantiates the proper template and passes
the values returned by the controller to the template and maybe also the
input structure...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vennlig hilsen
Kore Nordmann (GPG: 0xDDC70BBB)
eZ Components Developer
eZ systems Headquarters

tel +49 (0) 231-9742-7750 | fax +49 (0) 231-9742-7751
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | eZ systems | ez.no

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