On 25/04/2009, Tobias Schlitt <t...@ez.no> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  On 04/24/2009 11:17 PM Frederik Holljen wrote:
>  > On 24/04/2009, Tobias Schlitt <t...@ez.no> wrote:
> >>  On 04/24/2009 09:10 PM Frederik Holljen wrote:
> >> Yes. Let me elaborate a bit more: The problem with the decorator
>  >>  (ezcPersistentIdentitySession) is, that it is not "instanceof
>  >>  compatible" with ezcPersistentSession. This is especially a problem in
>  >>  ezcPersistentSessionInstance (the signleton/registry class for the
>  >>  sessions).
>  >>
>  >>  Therefore my proposal was to introduce a new interface, which will be
>  >>  implemented by both ezcPersistentSession and
>  >>  ezcPersistentIdentitySession (and possible later decorators to these).
>  >>  For this interface I proposed the name ezcPersistentObjectSession.
>  > Right, looking at the source I can see that IdentitySession doesn't
>  > inherit anything at the moment adding the interface will solve your
>  > problems.
>  >
>  > Why not name the decorator something with decorator. This clearly
>  > signals the intentions of the class for people who know what a
>  > decorator is. Others will be taught the difference :)
>  > I propose:
>  > ezcPersistentSessionBase or Definition for the interface
>  > ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator for the decorator
>  > Somewhat longer but more descriptive and you'll only write it once 
> anyway...
> I agree with ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator, that sounds good.
>  However, ezcPersistentSessionBase sounds like an abstract class not like
>  an interface.
I agree. What about my other suggestion
ezcPersistentSessionDefinition? I really don't like the idea to name a
class something with object. It messes with the OO definitions.. it's
a class, not an object.
Another option is to use foundation: ezcPersistentSessionFoundation

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