> A good point to consider - is "God" actively trying
> to confuse his
> opponent and complicate things, or is he simply
> playing objectively best
> moves?

good question.  if his goal is to win with zero
handicap, all he has to do is pick a branch that
ends with a win for, say, W.  if he is starting
from a branch without such a terminus, he has to
try to move the game into such a branch.

if it's a handicap game, then the question boils
down to getting "over" to a winning branch from
the tree whose initial state is completely
different -- there are handicap stones on the

more likely is that you play with high komi --
then the goal is to move "over" to a branch
whose terminus is both a win and is by more than
"komi" points.

since there's no guarantee that you can get
to such a branch, and since it's unlikely that
the "absolute advantage" of W over B is more than
4 stones (or, say, 30 komi), this means that
you have to try to get your opponent to make a
mistake that will take you over into one of these
"> komi + win" branches.

likely the human opponent will play non-optimally
in the first few moves.  this will negate some of
the komi.  any move outside a "win w/o komi"
branch will take you to a "lose by X w/o komi"
branch, and "god" will know how to capitalize upon 
that to make up some more komi.  this isn't enough
to win the game, however, so "god" has to figure
out how to maneuver the game over there.

one approach might be to play moves where the
greatest number of terminal nodes in that move
subtree have winning scores in the "> komi" range.
then you maximize the probability that an error (or
series of errors) by the human player will result in
a win for you.

of course, once you're in a "win by > komi" branch,
you're done.  you just play it out with perfect
refutations of every move.

however, objectively the game is a win for only
one player at the start, and the only way to
overcome enough handicap (or komi) is to attempt
to capitalize on errors (or inefficiencies, which
in a completely solved game can be considered errors)
made by your opponent.


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