> GnuGo is another possibility and has the advantage of being a well
> known quantity, but Gnugo fails to meet some of the criteria above
> such as being too deterministic and using heavy resources.


GnuGo at level 0 met almost all requirement I think. Perhaps too 
deterministic, but I even not sure. It is already relatively strong and plays 
very quickly.

By the way, I have concern about the 19x19 no one mentionned I think. In 19x19 
the probability of winning between two players will be very often close to 0 
or 1. As the game is longer, if a player is better then his probability of 
winning is very big because he can repair his mistakes. Then the ELO could 
not be sufficent. Am I wrong? Perhaps you can use kyu rating, setting 
handicaps (and one advantage is that then the pairing system is simpler).


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