what i'm saying is that monte carlo is not
evaluating the game-theoretical value of the
board.  what it is doing is looking for best
moves with respect to the function: "maximize
probability of win".  probability of win is
not zero at the start, even with 6h.  it is
lower than without handi, but not zero.  to
see this, imagine a zero komi game where you
play as white.  MC should still play decent
moves in this case.  

neither player plays anything close to game-theoretic
best moves in any games -- if they did, or even
had an evaluation function that was capable of
making such an evaluation, they could quite easily
beat any professional player.

i think that the main objection to this is really
that they don't have an opening library in a
handicap game.  in reality, opening libraries don't
make much sense in go, unless you can pick josekis
that work together from opposite sides of the board
to satisfy some larger goal, which would not happen
in general with an MC program that didn't know about
influence, etc.


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