Le jeudi 28 décembre 2006 03:34, Don Dailey a écrit :
> I'm having an interesting problem - my hope is to set
> a random legal move making player (who doesn't fill
> 1 point eyes) at ELO zero.     
Hmm maybe i misunderstand. It seems to me that a random player
cannot have a fixed rating  (except -infinity) as it will lose
all his games against non random player. 
Or if it is set at zero ELO all other non random bot will slowly
drift toward +infinity.

> I feel this would define a nice standard that is
> easy to reproduce and verify experimentally and 
> at least would be a known quantity even 100 years
> from now.
Any GPL go engine fulfill the above requirements :)

Aloril did gtp patch for old gnugo, so it is possible to
use gnugo-1.2 and 2.0 as weak players, and gnugo 3.7.10 at default
level for stronger anchor (lower level are very poor in reading).

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