On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 14:05 -0800, David Doshay wrote:
> I do not think that any apology is needed. The length of the game was  
> due only to a setting you have that is totally appropriate for a  
> Chinese rules tournament game.

I don't agree with this at all.  Is it appropriate under Japanese rules
to continue playing, when the game is lost for sure and all territory
has been made?  This point has been made before, and yet needs repeating
whenever this discussion comes up: Nothing forces you to pass in
Japanese rules.  A losing computer could keep on playing in the hopes of
forcing the opponent out of time or to hit a bug.

If a computer program knows how to play the endgame so that it doesn't
lose points under Chinese rules, then it should know when to pass, and
should do so.  There's no need for a game to go on for 500 moves just
because Chinese rules are being used.


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