Seems like a silly title.  Any game of perfect information that has a
clear rule set can be solved.  Plus, some would argue that any Go
already is solved (write simple algorithm and wait 1 billion years
while it runs).  A better question is, "Can Computer Go Surpass Human
Go?"  But again, clearly it will.  It's just a question of how long
until it occurs.

On 1/12/07, Mehdi Ahmadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello & thank in advance for any interests/ responses.

I'm unfortunately (or not) doing a dissertation as part of my final year
project (undergraduate) on the game of Go. The exact title is: "Can the game
of go be solved? Analysis of computational methodologies for go." And I have
included my overall objectives below.

I have many works from different people on different aspects of Computer Go
which would make for great inclusion at different parts - but overall I am
still gravely struggling. In reviewing some of these my greatest difficulty
is in understanding exactly how say Monte-Carlo-UCT or even Alpha-Beta
testing (pruning, etc) occur so as to be able to give a simplified depiction
(illustrated or otherwise) of the process. Can this be done without having
to go through the source code of say something like GNU Go?

Also another difficulty I've had is in trying to get further information on
the commonly referred top ranking packages, Handtalk, Go++, Many Faces of
Go, etc due to their commercial nature? (the only thing I've been able to
find which is a bit outdated:

Lastly can any general categorisation - distinction be made of current
approach/ implementations in trying to 'solve' Go. in comparison to say
traditional disciplines used in trying to solve games (complex or otherwise)
via computer? To put simply I am trying to have some core root comparison in
current methodologies (if there is any?).

If anyone has any suggestions/ guidance on anything mentioned - I would be
eternally indebted.

. To concisely review all game playing aspects of Go (rules, openings,
middle game, etc) and its relevance to the complication of meaningful
measurements of interest.
. To evaluate, gain and develop further understanding of specific game
aspects including (eg):
  - Representation:
. Eyes
. life-and-death
. territory estimates and weakness
  - Move Evaluation:
. Territorial and strategic affluence.
. Address specific and current implementation methodologies including:
  - Search algorithms (Alpha-Beta - local/global, Monte-Carlo -UCT)
  - Move Generation
  - Positional Evaluation (Patterns, Neural Networks)
. To detail inadequacies in research and reasons for shortfalls where

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