On 6/6/07, Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder if other people had thought about this before...
> Álvaro.

Yes, I did it in the beginning. But I found that it is faster to divide
by more than two. Currently, I keep the probability of the whole board,
each line, and each point. It is simple, and more efficient than a
binary tree.


I'm not clear on how you efficiently index into which line to select.  I
think the discussion here is still relevant to that.  If we take a simple
example of a 5x5 board where the line weights are {15,10,30,20,25}, and I
roll the dice and compute 44 (out of 100), I don't know to jump instantly to
the 3rd entry; other information is needed if a sequential check is to be
avoided.  Tokens of 5 could make it easy to pick a number from 1 to 20 and
then jump to the row owned by that token, and a binary tree could result in
~3 comparisons... not much better than a sequential check at such a small
number of lines.
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