> I've been messing around with where to apply heuristics. Candidates
> include:
> 1) In the UCT tree, since this is earliest in each playout.
> 2) In the moves beyond the tree ("heavy playouts"), since this is where
> most of the moves happen. Because this part is so speed-critical, ...

Remi (using learned patterns instead of heuristics, but should be the
same) got dramatic improvements doing both (see quote below).

It is also my understanding that in Crazy Stone the patterns are being
used at every ply in the playouts; given that the program is being given
a constant time it seems the overhead of this is more than made up for
by the increase in strength.


In the computer-go "Amsterdam 2007 paper" thread, on 2007-05-18:

Here are tests of Crazy Stone at 90s/game 1CPU against GNU 3.6 level 10,
measured over about 200 games:
no pattern: 38.2% (version available on my web page)
patterns in simulations:68.2%
patterns for pruning and simulations:90.6%
I found these number in my history of Crazy Stone versions, so they may
not be extremely accurate, because other things have changed in between.
I will run cleaner tests for the final version of the paper. I will also
try to test what each feature brings.

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