On 10/29/07, Christoph Birk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Jacques Basaldúa wrote:
> > This can also be done by the programmers. E.g. If CrazyStone is too
> strong,
> > Rèmi can introduce a CrazyStoneH3 which passes 3 times
> > at the beginning. But not at the first move, to avoid smart tricks.
> >
> > If CrazyStoneH3 is given white and plays: 2. whatever 4. pass 6. pass 8.
> > pass. Black cannot pass and win the game because of komi.
> I like this idea.
> This actually might work even without a server change. The
> self-handicapped program can even play black and pass on the
> 2nd,3rd,... move. White still cannot win by passing since there
> are live black stones on the board.

I don't think black can ever pass in any simple manner to give handicap.
After playing one stone, the remaining empty territory *should* look like
nobody's territory.  The score would then be "black stones" vs "white
stones" + komi.  I'd argue that the right is always greater than the left
until territory begins to form.

Similarly, white can safely pass right out of the gate since a black pass
would make it win.  White can't, however, pass more than 7 times with a komi
of 7.5.
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