On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, steve uurtamo wrote:
or to simply not include the results of such games,
so as not to break the protocol for machines that
wanted to have such games take place.

What would break?
 Server  -> clientB:   genmove
 clientB -> Server:    PASS
 server  -> clientW:   play PASS
 server  -> clientW:   genmove
 clientW -> Server:    PASS         (W tries to be smart and win)
 server  -> clientB:   play PASS    (the server does NOT stop the game)
 server  -> clientB:   genmove
 clientB -> Server:    d4
 server  -> clientW:   play d4      (W should accept that move)
 server  -> clientW:   genmove      (W should generate a move)

All that happens is that White would have wasted its move.

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