I definately agree with the spirit of what you are saying, and probably I am
just missing something, but I'm not sure that the examples you gave are
truly restricted in C++.  You can import the setjmp header from C (or any
number of other similar such libraries) and have crazy gotos.  Every major
compiler I am familiar with has ways to include assembly code as well which
can't be said for all languages.  As far as what C++ does to force static
typing...  I'm not sure I totally buy what you are saying.

You can easily create a class that can have multiple types, you can overload
operators to allow you to mix types and their operations, you can use
polymorphism, you can use reinterpret_cast or static_cast depending on the
situation.  The list goes on...  I don't think C++ limits you in any way.
It is true that by default the language doesn't support those operations,
but the beauty of C++ is that you can add to its abilities in a way that
only some languages support.  The fact that some languages allow you to add
a string to a number by default is great if you know for sure what that
means, but in C++ we must define what that means or use someone else's
definition of what it means because it really isn't a core feature.  But we
have the tools to extend the language.  The same can be said for languages
like lisp and D (and probably tons of other languages I don't know).

Sometimes I feel that having any primitives at all is limiting.  A language
where integers and floats were not built in types but libraries would be
even nicer in some ways in my opinion.  But, I feel being able to extend a
language and metaprogram are a must for any language that will stand the
test of time.

With the goto example.  After C++0x comes out, it would be possible (with
gcc) to write a template that takes the arguments of 2 seperate functions,
the first being the one jumped out of and the second being the one jumped
into and wrap the interfunction goto.  I think that while this may have
limited utility, it should be allowed... There are times when you as a
programmer know that something like that will work best.  (Granted it is
rare....)  The job of a compiler is to compile what you have told it to
compile not to limit you in ways you didn't request.  C++ does by default
make certain things ugly but this was a conscious choice to deter you from
just abusing the power of the language when it isn't really necessary.

Just my thoughts,

On Nov 14, 2007 8:46 PM, William Harold Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 04:44:25PM -0600, Nick Apperson wrote:
> > perhaps this is an obvious statement...  The best language depends on
> the
> > way in which your program works.  Having used C++ extensively, my
> program
> > designs naturally fit easily into that language.  I'm sure a lisp
> programmer
> > would think of better solutions that would only work in lisp.  As far as
> > languages about restriction, well.... #&$* those languages.  I make
> sharper
> > turns without training wheels thank you very much.
> I agree it depends on how the program works, and I would even grant
> that often you have a large amount of design freedom to choose how the
> program works. In Go programming today there seems to be an especially
> large amount of freedom, because we are deeply uncertain how a good
> program should work. That freedom isn't guaranteed, though: sometimes
> a problem domain can push you pretty hard into using a feature. E.g.,
> who needs more than 16-bit integers? Sometimes you don't. I think it
> should be easy to write a reasonably serious Go program of
> conventional design in a language supporting no numeric types other
> than 16-bit integers. But if you were in the problem domain of atomic
> physics simulations, the first thing you'd want to do is change
> languages or, failing that, at least write a floating point library in
> terms of the built-in 16-bit integer support. Not only floating point
> numbers but heap allocation, recursion, and inheritance are examples
> of abstractions that people working in particular problem domains can
> avoid for years with no difficulty, but if you get into a problem
> domain that calls for them, it can be really painful to do without
> them, regardless of whether you have been trained in a language and
> style which encourages them. I think it's pretty likely that someday
> we'll learn that the Go problem domain pushes that way for dynamic
> memory ("heap") allocation, but YMMV.
> I'm in partial agreement with you on the (un)desirability of
> restrictions imposed by programming languages. My disagreement is that
> some significant fraction of the time, the restrictions of some
> programming language can turn out to be a good fit to what you're
> doing. When one is doing a lot of work in a domain where the
> restrictions are a good fit, a language which imposes tasteful
> restrictions which make it easier to reason about the program can
> actually be quite valuable. (Tasteless restrictions are pretty
> useless: I will never use a language which lets me express no numbers
> other than primes between 1010 and 1460.) As an example that you might
> agree on (at least agreeing that it's valuable, but perhaps needing to
> be convinced that it should be considered a restriction), I bet that
> as a happy C++ programmer you value the guarantees provided by the
> static type system when you reason about a program. But fundamentally
> the C++ static type system (like the fancier ones in ML and Haskell)
> is a restriction which limits some valid computations a program could
> do in a dynamically-typed language (like Lisp and many scripting
> languages). C++ and ML and Haskell are still Turing-complete, of
> course, so you can still do those valid computations somehow,
> typically by faking up dynamic types on top of the static type system.
> But doing that is clumsy enough to make it pretty clear that you're
> working around a restriction. (Similarly, Fortran 77 didn't have heap
> allocation, but programmers could fake it up by allocating one monster
> array and then reusing parts of it for different things. Ew.) The
> Turbak and Wells paper "Cycle Therapy" is my current favorite example
> of having to fake up a dynamic type system in order to express a
> reasonable computation --- the "rose trees" they define are pretty
> weakly typed compared to the usual objects in the SML and Haskell type
> systems. (Sorry, no C++ in that paper, but I think the effect should
> be the same in C++.) I have worked on similar code in CL, and it seems
> to just naturally fit into the CL dynamic type system with no hassle.
> Also I bet that you welcome --- or take for granted as an obviously
> good thing --- C++'s prohibitions on bizarre constructs like a "goto"
> statement which leaps out of the body of one function into the body of
> another. (C++ doesn't support the Fortranmythos/Intercal "come from"
> construct, http://www.fortran.com/come_from.html, either.:-) Such
> restrictions make it so much easier to reason about the vast majority
> of the programs we want to write that we'd need an amazingly
> compelling reason to want to relax them.
> So I think I disagree with your characterization of restrictions as
> training wheels. Some restrictions *are* like training wheels. But
> some are more like choosing to commute in a car instead of a
> motorcycle. Some are like having a highrise balcony which is a
> continuous sheet of reinforced concrete with a railing instead of just
> a few scattered small pads where the architect anticipates you are
> most likely to want to place your feet.:-| And some are controversial:
> you might not be happy programming in a language which supports
> "continuations" (feeling more or less the same enthusiasm as you'd
> feel for "come from," because continuations are about that confusing,
> and significantly harder to explain:-) but it turns out that there are
> some pretty compelling use cases to justify the confusion created by
> continuations, so some people in some problem domains are justifiably
> enthusiastic about them.
> And so horses for courses again. I hate restrictions about as much as
> you do when I am stuck with a language which has restrictions which
> seem a poor fit to the problem at hand, as in the Prolog or Haskell
> examples in my original post, or in the misfit between SML and "Cycle
> Therapy" above. But when the restrictions are a pretty good fit to the
> problem at hand --- e.g., for you, probably the C++ static type system
> for many problems you work on; for me, the SML type system for the
> higher-order function code in Umut Acar's thesis --- they can be very
> helpful for the programmer. (And in some cases, like imposing static
> type systems or forbidding continuations or allowing only C++-style
> static single dispatch instead of CLOS-style dynamic multiple
> dispatch, they can be very helpful for the efficiency of compiled code
> too.)
> --
> William Harold Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PGP key fingerprint 85 CE 1C BA 79 8D 51 8C  B9 25 FB EE E0 C3 E5 7C
> "The objective is not to convince someone with your arguments but
> to provide the arguments with which he later convinces himself."
>  -- Milton Friedman (probably paraphrased)
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