perhaps this is an obvious statement...  The best language depends on the
way in which your program works.  Having used C++ extensively, my program
designs naturally fit easily into that language.  I'm sure a lisp programmer
would think of better solutions that would only work in lisp.  As far as
languages about restriction, well.... #&$* those languages.  I make sharper
turns without training wheels thank you very much.

On Nov 14, 2007 3:58 PM, William Harold Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 10:40:15AM -0500, Álvaro Begué wrote:
> > Anyway, go programmers should probably not be using a whole lot of
> dynamic
> > memory allocation, and certainly not enough to make the performance of
> > free() matter at all.
> Doesn't that depend strongly on how a program works? For example, if
> you had a program which were really good at the endgame --- or,
> perhaps, just a program which deeply understood sente and gote as used
> in the middlegame, so that it could correctly cope with things like a
> play becoming double sente as the game progresses --- it'd be natural
> for it to manipulate expressions at least as complicated as
> combinatorial games, because we know that combinatorial games arise in
> the limit of exactly known position values. And good luck working with
> combinatorial games without heap allocation.
> If that seems implausible to you, very well, but the UCT approach
> didn't strike me as particularly plausible when I heard of it, either,
> and I find myself forced to remain openminded about what's going to
> turn out to be important in strong programs.
> --
> William Harold Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PGP key fingerprint 85 CE 1C BA 79 8D 51 8C  B9 25 FB EE E0 C3 E5 7C
> "'C'est la vie,' said the old folks, 'just goes to show you never can
> tell.'" -- Chuck Berry
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