On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 12:30 -0800, Christoph Birk wrote:
> I write (astronomical) instrument control software in C that
> runs for days (upto weeks). I call malloc() when I need memory
> and free() when the particular sub-task is done ... no problem.

Then you are a lucky guy... ;-)

With closures you almost never know when exactly the task is
done. They can float indefinitely within your system, they can
get part of other data structures, and last but not least, they
are cyclical in nature. *I* would have had many problems without
garbage collection.

But I will happily concede that these particular problems may
play no roll at all in computer Go - except if you decide to
program in a functional language. Then again, you won't do that
without a good GC.


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