Dave Dyer wrote:
>> I think that's somewhat contrived as well. I don't have that good idea
>> about all the populat computer go algorithsm, do you have example of
>> reasonably performing algorithm with these properties?
> A standard alpha-beta driven search takes exponentially more time
> with search depth, so an exponential increase in speed results in
> a very small incremental improvement in "seeing'.  Improvements
> in the quality of the evaluation at anything less than exponential 
> cost more effective at improving playing strength.
What do you expect to see?    A non-exponential technique that leads to
arbitrary playing strength?  

A good alpha/beta searcher does not replace "smarts" in a program, it
supplements it.    It would have to have some kind of "reading" at end
nodes and dead stone analysis.   It's a non-trivial problem - but it has
nothing to do with alpha/beta.  

You never specifically answered Petr either.   You attacked alpha/beta
and never presented an alternative.

One last important point.   It's not a "bad" thing that Go is
exponential.   It's exponential in Chess too but it doesn't follow that
this makes it infeasible.  Otherwise it would be infeasible for Chess

- Don

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