>> A standard alpha-beta driven search takes exponentially more time
>> with search depth, so an exponential increase in speed results in
>> a very small incremental improvement in "seeing'.  Improvements
>> in the quality of the evaluation at anything less than exponential 
>> cost more effective at improving playing strength.
>What do you expect to see?    A non-exponential technique that leads to
>arbitrary playing strength?  

My point is only that time spent trying to make alpha-beta as fast 
as possible is basically time wasted.  It doesn't matter if that time
is spent assembling faster hardware, coding in languages with better
runtime performance, or just plain hand coding to "optimize".  Faster
alpha-beta will never be a significant contributor to improved playing strength.

Choosing C because it executes faster is silly.  Choosing C because
you can start with GNUGo might be perfectly sensible.

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