As I understand it, gtp is for one way communication.  I've heard of this as
an issue when developers try to provide output for the benefit of players
(or bot developer debugging the bot)

There's typically work-arounds that we use to overcome this.
On kgs, to inform the players, the version command is typically made very
long to provide instructions.  Similarly, kgsGtp's config supports a few
lines of text to print at key points in the game.  I don't know if it's
possible to get kgs to display all of them.

time_left is at the whim of the server.  KGS and CGOS both provide it prior
to every move (even when replaying a game).  Neither provide the opponent's
time left, which could be useful.

A flat picture of the board erases super ko details.  kgsGtp does support
replaying the entire game from the beginning (such as when the bot does not
support undo).  I agree, however, that your additional functionality could
be useful.

On Dec 10, 2007 8:23 AM, Nick Wedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I play Go on a Go server, I do not try to remember the board
> position.  I can always find out what it is by looking at the client
> window on my screen.
> When a bot plays on a Go server, it does remember the position. This is
> something that programs are good at, so it seems reasonable to require
> them to do it.
> But there can be, very rarely, circumstances where a bot would like to
> ask the server "what is the current board position?".  Here are some
> examples.
>     (1)  My bot's opponent has just made a suicide move.  My bot does
> not realise that, under the ruleset we are using, suicide is permitted.
> Therefore its board-update routine fails.  It knows that its opponent
> has moved, and it knows that it does not know the current position.  It
> would like to ask the server to send the current position.
>     (2)  As (1), but with a move that my bot thinks, wrongly, is
> forbidden by superko.
>     (3)  My bot, or the platform on which it is running, has had a
> serious accident.  I have relaunched my bot and it wants to resume its
> game but has no knowledge of the position.
> If my understanding of the GTP spec at
> correct, it is not possible for a bot to say "please tell me the
> position".  Should it be possible?
> A similar question applies to time.  When I play in a tournament, I am
> allowed to look at my clock to find out how much time I have left.  I am
> surprised to find that GTP provides no way for a bot to ask this. (Maybe
> I am misunderstanding the spec.  I see that there are commands
> 'time_settings' and 'time-left' that the server can use to inform the
> bot of its remaining time, but I can find no indication of when, if
> ever, these commands will be issued.)
> Nick
> --
> Nick Wedd    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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