On Dec 10, 2007 11:48 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Of course if only simple KO is used, then repetition is not an issue -
> you only have to store the simple ko state fen style.
> But none of this is any good for a general solution (a simple text based
> position notation.)
> We could talk about systems for compressing move lists of course but there
> is probably no simple text based system that will give you anything
> amazing.
> Here is an interesting domain specific scheme (that is not text based):
>    1.  Build a deterministic engine that is good at prediction moves of
> strong players.
>    2.  The engine ranks all playable moves in a deterministic way.
>    3.  A huffman-like encoding is used where the most popular moves take
> the least number of bits.
> If the prediction rate is high,  the number of bits per move might be
> quite low.

I don't think this is domain specific at all. It's just a very general way
in which compression algorithms work: predict the next symbol (as a
probability distribution), and encode it using a number of bits close to

By the way, finding a probability distribution that results in good
compression using this scheme is basically what Remi did with CrazyStone.

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