David Fotland wrote:
> I don't think traditional go programs "tally features and weights".  They
> estimate the final score.
When I say "tally features and weights" I really mean that they estimate
the final score.   They basically tally the number of intersections
expected to be won, although I'm sure there is a great deal of
sophistication in this.     I have seen descriptions where they estimate
a groups survival likelihood, and if it's say 50% they give it 50% of
the area encompassed.

> There have been prior global game tree approaches.  Handtalk and GO
> Intellect and SmartGo did global searches a decade ago.
> This is not to detract from UCT, which works very well.  UCT/MC programs
> make moves that look very unnatural, so in that sense they don't play at all
> like humans play go.
It's the approach I believe to be more human-like.   Not necessarily the
playing style.

- Don

> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:53 AM
>> To: computer-go
>> Subject: Re: [computer-go] How does MC do with ladders?
>> Hi Petri,
>> I happen to think that MC is the most human like approach currently
>> being tried.
>> The reason I say that is that humans DO estimate their winning chances
>> and "tally" methods, where you simply tally up features/weights
>> (regardless of how sophisticated)  is not how strong humans think about
>> the game.
>> Also, the best first global game tree approach, whatever you call it
>> such as UCT and others,  is a very close model of how humans play the
>> game too.    We may notice 3 moves that look playable, but gradually
>> come to focus on just 2 of those.   Essentially monte carlo does this
>> too.    Very narrow focused trees.
>> The play-out portion is a crude approximation for imagination.   We
>> basically look at a board and imagine the final position.    The MC
>> play-outs kill the dead groups in a reasonably accurate (but fuzzy) way
>> and put the flesh on the skeleton.      Near the end of the game,  the
>> play-outs end mostly the same the way the game itself would end - and
>> the same way a human would expect it to look like.
>> I attribute the success of MC to the fact that it's the best simulation
>> of how WE do it.    The other approaches are clearly more synthetic,
>> including raw MC without a proper tree.
>> - Don
>> Petri Pitkanen wrote:
>>> 2007/12/11, terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> With Go, there are many situations which can be read out precisely,
>> provided
>>>> that one has the proper tools - ladders, the ability to distinguish
>> between
>>>> one and two eyes; the ability to reduce eyespaces to a single eye
>> with an
>>>> appropriate placement; and so forth. Failure to recognize such
>> situations is
>>>> like failing to spot a pinned piece or a passed pawn.
>>> I am no fan on MC approach but basically MC can read L&D given enough
>>> of simulations. It will read them without knowing that they need to
>> be
>>> analysed. Point in MC being that once you get more power you get
>>> better L&D as well, but without extra coding.
>>> This approach will result in non-human like game BUT likewise chess
>>> programs did not get strong by emulating humans. They just took one
>>> simple thing humans do and took it to extreme. Whatever approach will
>>> do the trick in go it will be similar in this sense.
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