Forrest, similar multi-level or hierarchical/partitioned search concepts have been suggested by several people here over the years, myself included many times. I first suggested a chunking probability based search concept back in 1998.

I have long been an advocate of goal-directed hierarchical search for Go, but haven't yet figured out how to make it work in practice. I tried some things years before MC/UCT popped up without any real success.

There could perhaps be some promise in finding ways to combine some of these multi-level ideas with MC/UCT search techniques.

I don't understand the follow-up to your post claiming that you can't do this for these kinds of games because they are not forcing move sequences. We're talking about the play-out part of the search used to sample the game tree. Anything goes, right? Of course, whether any particular play-out method helps or not is another question.


Forrest Curo wrote:
It's the approach I believe to be more human-like.   Not necessarily the
playing style.

Human beings "chunk".

What all this fuss suggests to me is a "meta-mc" program... You include routines that work out good sequences, as a human would--and then you have the random part of the program include the more promising sequences, where applicable, as if they were individual moves.

Forrest Curo

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