On Dec 14, 2007 12:43 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For purposes of discussion, let's say the bot takes a tactical snapshot
> once at the root node and then uses that information to help pick a move. It
> can apply it at the root, at internal nodes, at external nodes, or at the
> very end (maybe it decides this is an UCT-deceptive position and calls
> another algorithm).

I totally agree.

> To keep a tight focus, I suggest ideas that involve calculating additional
> tactical information during the playouts themselves go into the ladder
> thread.

I agree with that too!

So, what tactical information should be calculated, how should it be used,
> and yes how should it be stored?

Looking only at moves, I see the following basic needs:
1. Forced move pairs (peeps, miai)
2. Equivalent move classes (semeai)
3. Move sequences (joseki, fuseki, tactical L&D, endgame)

I've wondered previously about only storing #1 for use in sims, and using #3
to replenish the supply of forced exchanges as long sequences get played

There's also higher level strategic stuff such as ensuring groups survive.
Things that encode actions instead of literal moves.  If actions include
establishing a connection, forming an eye, or getting two eyes, they may be
able to be treated in a similar fashion to normal moves.
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