For what it's worth, "Hall of Fame" can mean anything from the
Baseball Hall of Fame (serious business) to the Mullet Hall of Fame (a
total joke). To me this looks like a pretty clear misunderstanding.
Don and Hideki have both contributed usefully to the mailing list, and
it would be too bad if this incident spoiled that from either end.

I think most people who even know what CGOS is, probably know the
context in which it is used, so they're not going to take poor results
too seriously. Nobody would deny that applying static ratings to a
program that changes may not be representative, but if that is an
issue, then people can create new IDs for their 100% debugged bots so
that static ratings will give them all the credit they deserve. The
new bot would not get established immediately, but I doubt there are
that many people outside this mailing list who are even aware of the
CGOS all-time 9x9 rating list yet. As for any lower-rated versions of
the same bot, I think that as long as there exists a highly rated
version of a given program that has an established rating, people will
have enough sense to ignore lower-rated versions that may represent
experiments, buggy prototypes, and the like.
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