Hi Sylvain,
  Have you finished your thesis? We are eager to read it:-)

On 1/10/08, Sylvain Gelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess the public version of MoGo was designed with a
> > focus on 9x9 and not 19x19.
> It was not more on 9x9 that 19x19, it was more or less the best settings of
> MoGo against gnugo at the moment I left the developpement (early september)
> for both 9x9 and 19x19.
> Or is there something else I should be
> > including on the command line?
> As other said, but just to confirm:
> --playsAgainstHuman 0
> Also you have to specify
> --totalTime 300
> if 300 is the number of seconds of the games. If not, MoGo does not care
> about the time left, and will just play a constant time per move, loosing by
> time with no other worry :).
> The release is designed to play against human on a server/client which
> supports a scoring taking into account the dead stones. On cgos you have to
> capture all dead stones.
> As for the rating, I don't know all the changes that has been done on CGOS
> since then, but on the old 19x19 one, the rating should be more than 2100 or
> 2200.
> Hoping this helps,
> Sylvain
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