So do I.  I just stated a simpler version here because I previously suggested a 
more integrated approach and got zero replies.  I'll state it again:

Start with a UCT+MC engine. When a tree node reaches X number of playouts (1000?, 10000?), do a tactical analysis. When that analysis exists for a given node, let it in some way bias the move selection at that node.

Don Dailey wrote:
There is much to think about with Jason's and Michaels ideas.    I favor
a more integrated approach than Michael suggests because I think it
would be very difficult to essentially have 2 different programs playing
the same game (ever play non-consultation doubles in chess or go?   It's
fun but the level of play stinks.  You take turns making a move with
your partner and no consultation is allowed.)

I also favor focusing more on the tree portion, but no doubt the
play-out portion could improve.   I say this because search is more
sensitive to early mistakes and work near the root is cheap compared to
work nearer leaf nodes.    But by all means we should do research on
what it takes in the play-outs.

- Don

Jason House wrote:
I wouldn't stop there.  I'd like a static analyzer to add tactical
smarts to playouts.  If there's a pre-existing nakade, seki, etc, the
playouts should get it right.

On Feb 1, 2008 10:34 AM, Michael Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I think we would all agree that UCT+MC is quite good for strategy
    but not so good with tactics.  I'd like to see this hybrid engine:
     One that starts with a
    traditional full-board static analysis (with local tactical
    searches), looking for urgent moves.  If it finds an urgent move,
    it makes it.  If the position is
    relatively quiet, it uses UCT+MC to find a good strategic play.
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