David Doshay wrote:
> I looked up borda voting on Wikipedia. I did not know this was called
> Borda voting, and it might be called a zeroth-order version of what I
> am thinking. Rather than just take rank order from each, I intended to
> try to include other metrics, for example, some measure of distance
> from top. One engine may evaluate that there is one really great move
> with all others considered very bad. That is different than many nearly
> equal good moves.

But take care - it's my understanding that borda relies totally on
ranking ALL choices and that to work correctly every agent much vote on
ALL candidates, ranking them from best to worst.

Voting theory is like hashing or building random number generators.  
It's really easy to do it wrong and screw it up and think you did it

In this case, if you refuse to vote for some of the candidates you upset
the system.   It is required in borda counting to rank EVERY candidate
even if you hate the 2nd choice.    That is because the whole rationale
is about finding a candidate that fits, as best as possible,  the
highest vote for everyone and by leaving information out it doesn't work
as intended.    

You might be more interested in a system called "approval voting."   In
approval voting you have several candidates running for election, and
you vote on 1 or more of them,  as many as you want.   If you are dead
set on only one person, you just vote for that guy.   However, if you
are dead set AGAINST 1 candidate,  you may want to vote for everyone
else to decrease his chances of winning.   What prevents most people
from just voting for 1 candidate is the fact that you may really despise
some choices and so you vote for those you can live with.    Candidate
that many voters either hate or love won't win.    The winner will be a
candidate that the majority of voters find to be a reasonable, if not
their favorite, choice.  

Both borda and approval voting are considered superior to the one man
one vote system by scientists in voting theory,  but it's understood
that there is no fair voting system possible,  some are just much more
unfair and subject to manipulation that others.     Borda voting is
excellent in that it is not subject to manipulation as much as many
other system.   (For example,  you prefer candidate C, but you feel he
has no chance of getting elected so you vote for candidate A.   In borda
voting you get to explicitly list your choices in order.)

I suggest that when you get around to building a system,   you use borda
counting as your base case and try to improve on that later.   Read all
the papers you can on voting theory and the pitfalls they have and you
may be surprised.

Terry Mcintyre's last message was insightful,   some kind of voting
system can greatly simplify the task of trying to normalize so many
disparate systems of valuing moves.   

- Don

> Cheers,
> David
> On 1, Feb 2008, at 2:41 PM, Don Dailey wrote:
>> I'm not expert on decision theory,  but it's my understanding that borda
>> counting or voting is excellent way to integrate different decision
>> making agents.    Of course this depends a lot on the nature of the
>> decision to be made, but if you have N choices and several agents that
>> are capable of ranking those choices, the whole is greater than the sum
>> of the parts.
>> One of my first primitive MC programs evolved moves using genetic
>> algorithms.  I discovered it worked surprisingly better to evolve a
>> handful of players and borda vote the best choice.   It was surprisingly
>> the best use of resources I could find, based on a simple evolution
>> strategy that is.
>> I don't really understand why it worked so well.   I think it is because
>> any particular playing strategy is pretty brittle.   The nature of the
>> evolved individuals was such that were probably full of
>> intransitives.    They could beat particular strategies easily, but were
>> susceptible to other strategies and with borda voting you tended to find
>> a move that was reasonable with many strategies instead of super-tuned
>> for just a few.
>> There are many papers on making decisions using borda voting,  and some
>> of these papers are  not just about voting theory or sociology but
>> computer based decisions too.
>> Like I say, I don't know much about this and perhaps you do, but I
>> thought I would present it just in case.    I think it's very
>> interesting figuring out how to integrate knowledge based on "experts"
>> or agents that have wildly varying strengths and weaknesses.
>> - Don
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