On 10, Aug 2008, at 8:27 AM, Mark Boon wrote:

So although I think this match was a good mile-stone, I don't see it
as if 9 stones of progress has been made in just a few years. 3-5
stones in ten years on hardware many thousands of times as powerful is
a bit closer to the truth.

My estimate is reasoned thus:

3 years ago my program SlugGo was winning all of the KGS tournaments it entered. It may not have been the strongest program, but it was representative of a strong program of the day. I entered it in the Cotsen Open as a 9k, which is in an 8 to 12 kyu bracket. It won against an 8k, lost on time to another 8k but was ahead by more than 100 points on the board, and it lost to a 10k and a 12k. So in rough terms I thought 10k was a good round number estimate. From this mogo result it looks like 1 dan has been reached. The pro says maybe a few more, but it is only one game so I think that round numbers and clear divisions like the kyu/dan level are reasonable simple claims.

As an aside, the pro in question won the US Open, so comments about him being a weak pro seem inappropriate. I spoke with him a number of times, and I firmly believe that he took the match as seriously as any other public exhibition of his skill that involves handicap stones for the opponent. He has an open mind about computer Go, unlike some other pro players I talked to here at the congress.

Sure there was more hardware ... I was only talking about the possible and what has been done, not what happens on the common desktop of the day. SlugGo never ran on one CPU either.


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