On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 10:19 -0300, Mark Boon wrote:
> On 10-aug-08, at 17:24, Don Dailey wrote:
> > Of course there is also the possibility of some exciting new
> > hardware
> > 
> > breakthrough around the corner that doesn't just extend Moore's law,
> > but
> > 
> > blows it out of the water. 
> > 
> Of course there's that possibility. But I'm actually wondering if we
> wouldn't rather be seeing the opposite. Moore's law seems to have
> stalled for a few years, only to gain traction again with multiple
> core designs. But unlike previous advances in computing power,
> multiple processing is not as easily available to all software alike.

Yes, moores law isn't a smooth curve but a jagged one.  Processors are
still continuing to get faster, but at a slower rate.

> People are already asking me (and themselves) what I need an 8-core
> computer for. Unless we also see some good progress in software
> development, 99% of people will have no use for a 1,000 CPU computer,
> either privately or professionally. Game developers already struggle
> to use the Playstation's cell architecture to its full potential. If
> that remains the case then the type of super-computers that MoGo ran
> on will stay in the domain of extreme scientific research isolated to
> very special purposes for a long time.

Of course you and I can never get enough.  Give me 1 million processors
and I would put them to work.  How about testing?  I could rate a
variety of programs ACCURATELY in seconds with a million processors!

I think software will catch up.  This is all new and we are not at a
point where very many people have 2 cores although it's now entry level.
So in a year or two most people will have at least 2 cores.  

I think 4+ cores has to become really common before the pressure to
build software to utilize it gains a lot of traction.    

There is also the issue that some algorithms are so serial in nature
that they cannot benefit.  So in a way it's bad news that Moores law has
shifted to more processors.   But in many cases the algorithms will have
to change. 

There is already a very slow and very gradual shift to languages that
can take advantage of parallel processing.   A lot of people are now
thinking about this so it will happen.   But first the hardware has to
be there and the pressure to do it will be overwhelming soon.   

- Don

> So while I think it's definitely possible that massively parallel
> computing can still progress at a fast pace, the fact that it will
> become dependent on similar progress in the software field makes it a
> quite a bit less likely to happen at the same speed as in the previous
> decades, IMO. Because in the end it's the needs of the masses that
> drives the real progress of computing speed.
> This is all in the realm of speculation of course, and I'd just as
> happily be proven wrong on this.
> Mark

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