I have added a MCTS implementation to my reference-bot project. It allows you to specify how many nodes to search, after how many nodes to expand and whether to use AMAF or not. If you specify the number of nodes before expansion to be the same as the total number of nodes to search and set AMAF to true you get the equivalent of Don's original ref-bot. When you set AMAF to false and set the number of nodes before epxansion to 1 you get my original UCT search algorithm.

Between those extremes there might be a good formula to combine AMAF with tree-search, but unfortunately I haven't had time lately to look for one. The few small attempts I made show no benefit using AMAF in tree-search, only when used on a single level. The contrast between the two exptremes is very stark, so I'm actually convinced there should be a way to use both. This implementation is also quite a bit slower than my original search algorithm but I also didn't have time yet to trace it. It might simply be due to the different expansion method, which is much more expensive with a value of 1. Also, searching for the best UCT node gets more expensive with more (unused) nodes on each level. Using a higher expansion value may alleviate the performance hit. Anyway I think this is a reasonable starting point.

At first I intended to create a different project for the search reference bot. But half of the code (the MC part) is the same. And I don't want to end up having to maintain the same code in two places. I also didn't want to separate out some code into a separate library and making the structure for the simple ref-bot more complicated. This organization may need some more thought though.

I'll update the project pages tomorrow.


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