I have to agree with Don.  This year I went from knowing nothing about Monte
Carlo and UCT to world champion.  I tried more than 400 variations on the
basic UCT algorithm or playout strategy during 6 months of intensive
development.  The engine is written in C and tuned from the start for
performance.  I couldn't have done this many experiments (often several per
day), without a very fast engine, because I used 1000 game contests to see
if there was improvement, to get statistically significant results.  Part of
the reason I won is because the basic UCT/MC is so fast that I can
incorporate the slow Many Faces knowledge and still get over 10K playouts
per second per CPU on 9x9.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:56 AM
> To: computer-go
> Subject: Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> > You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when it
> > shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
> > language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
> > me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
> > work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
> > CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.
> This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a mistake for
> "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
> prototype.     The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and nail
> down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.
> I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
> discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
> advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is very
> for games:
>    1.  It's about as fast as you will get.
>    2.  It is superbly flexible.
>    3.  It is not a memory hog.
> To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are full
> limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
> work around them.     Even the speed limitation is more of an issue that
> you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy use
> testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway.
> For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At some
> point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than what you
> doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a large number
> games to measure superiority, unless it is overwhelming.
> Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a lot
> games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language this is
> correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the supposed
> high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests than
> programming, even in C.
> Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...    Well
> if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
> author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to utilize
> as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100 workstations I
> still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
> what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
> perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.
> When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
> to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
> performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and this would be
> with a high level language.
> A word about Java, which will probably produce some anger because I know
> some of us here love Java.   I have never seen a top level, non-trivial
> game playing program in Java.   I don't think you could build a strong
> chess program in Java.  Probably more due to memory issues than
performance -
> but I think for a top chess program performance would be
> an issue too.   Yes, it's possible to write some programs in Java that
> are almost as fast as C,  but probably not a chess program.    You
> really need system level programming type of flexibility that C provides,
> high level abstractions that the processor doesn't care about, and the
> compiler cannot optimize away.
> An ad-hoc poll:  What is the strongest Java playing program on CGOS?
> I can't see building a very strong MCTS GO program in Java, because even
> in C,  the tree does not fit in memory.
> My little reference bot can be done in Java however.  The performance
> loss is modest and memory isn't an issue.   But the code is clearly
> larger.   Perhaps because I'm not a Java expert, it seems to take more
> code to do the same thing in Java.   All kinds of scaffolding required
> to use the standard data structures.    Much more typing.
> System.out.printf()  is just one example.   Seems like a little thing
> and I'm nitpicking - I see some value in this kind of anal-ism for big
> projects especially, but it's pretty annoying.  I cannot see an ease of
> difference between Java and C but I can imagine with large projects
> Java has some advantages.    With it's strong typing Java seems almost
> as low level to me as C.
> To summarize, I have found over the years that just plain CPU/MEMORY
> performance is the primary barrier not just to program strength, but
> development time.
> You must measure development time 2 ways.  One is how many man hours are
> spent, and the other how much "calendar" time is spent.   With a high
> level language you can (in theory, but maybe not in practice) minimize man
> hour time,  by giving up calendar time and dramatically increasing
> testing time (which need not involve the programmer.)    But you also
> would have to be willing to wait much longer between tests and be willing
> work piece-meal on a project while mostly waiting for tests.
> You will also inevitably take more shortcuts in testing because it takes
> long.
> - Don

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