From: tony tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Back to the original question - accounting for symmetry, there 55 distinct 
>> opening moves on a 19x19 board. 

>Are there a noted collection of these opening moves? if so could you direct me 
>to the 
material? cheers

Do you mean the 55 distinct opening moves? Divide a 19x19 grid along the two 
diagonals, and the vertical and horizontal midlines; you have eight identical 
pie slices. The number of points in any triangular slice is the sum of 
1,2,3..10 - or 55. The slices share points along the common edges.

Most of those 55 distinct moves are rarely used in the opening. I once heard a 
simple rule which seems to cover just about everything interesting: "consider 
only moves which are on the 3rd and 4th lines, and/or within a manhattan 
distance of n, for some small n, of some other stone already on the board." If 
memory serves, David Fotland mentioned this at the Portland Congress. Some 
players favor opening moves on the fifth line, however.

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