In message <>, Ernest Galbrun <> writes
Hello everyone,

I am trying to do some genetic experiment with virtual go players I
programmed using basic neuronal network technology. The principle is to
test my randomly mutated players against each other and to kill the
losers. I have used Opengo library to make my players play against each
other, the problem is that opengo does not have any scoring capability,
so I am never certain about the result of a game ; and opengo has still
some bugs, especially when making computer players play against each

Could someone tell me what program (if any) I could use to make the
players play against each other, given that :
- My players dont know anything about the suicide and the ko rule.
- Thay can't count the score by themselves.

I am not sure what you mean by "the result of a game".

If a game has stopped because two weak players have passed in turn, then "the result" may, depending on the rules used, be undefined, or difficult or inappropriate to calculate. If a game has stopped because two expert players have passed in turn, then the result is (almost certainly) defined, but it may be difficult for medium-strength players, and impossible for all existing programs, to know what it is.

I suggest that instead of getting your neural players to play Go, you get them to play a very slightly different game, in which, when both players pass in turn, all stones remaining on the board are deemed alive. It is not difficult to write a scoring algorithm for this game.

Nick Wedd
computer-go mailing list

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